Week 4’s Bible Reading Quiz Click next to begin 1. At what time of day was the Lord going to go through Egypt, killing every firstborn? In the Morning At Noon About Midnight In the Evening None Hint 2. What’s the first thing Moses said after God called to him out of the bush? ‘Here I am.’ 'who are you?' 'Yes?' 'Talk, I can hear you' None 3. Who was Moses's wife? Sarah Ruth Eve Zipporah None Hint 4. What limits did God tell Moses to set for the people at Mt. Sinai? They were not to go up the mountain or touch the edge of it They were not allowed to eat food They were not to sleep None Hint 5. When the Lord told Moses to go back to Egypt, who did He say Moses should appear before, to perform wonders? Pharaoh His Mother His Brother Isrealites None Hint 6. Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh that he was to let God’s people go so they could celebrate what? Easter The birth of our savior Jesus Christ A festival to God in the wilderness Moses's Birthday None Hint 7. when Jesus gave the Great Commission, why were there only eleven disciples there? Mark slept in Peter was in prison John was afraid to go Judas had committed suicide None Hint 8. What is the name of Moses' father-in-law Isaiah Jacob Jethro Joshua None Hint 9. When Moses asked God what his name was, what did God say? GOD I AM WHO I AM GOD LORD ALMIGHTY LORD OF THE UNIVERSE None Hint 10. What did Moses take with him that had belonged to Joseph? His Belongings His Family His throne His bones None Hint 11. Jesus told ______ that he would disown Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. Peter Moses Ezra Judas None Hint 12. What did the Lord rain down from heaven for the Israelites to eat? Bread from Heaven Rain Meat from Heaven Honey & Milk None Hint Name Email Time's up