
Author Archives: Daniel

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO READ THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS To the believing one I write.. Who is the believing one , that is one who believes that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God , who came into this world to suffer and dead for the redemption of all humanity and God raised Him from the dead. To that believing one , I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you read the book of Revelations, it is important, it is so vital that you do , in order you not to be carried away by the delusions and activities of seducing spirits in this last days. Now if you are a believer or a believing one you will believe this , and the proof of belief is action, in line with what you believe otherwise it is vain or dead.…

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The Blessed House International Church - Faith Clinic

If in the sincerity of your heart you feel , you have weak faith or no faith at all and you are facing a challenge that without the help of God, there is no way you will ever make it . Faith Seminar is for you. If you are in a hopeless and helpless situation, this is for you. If you have been called a bum and you are now beginning to feel like a bum or you are a real bum, this is for you. Have you come to your wits end or are contemplating suicide because, you can not find a way out? You are exactly the person I was sent to. You are a Christian you are facing divorce but you both really don’t want it, but you seem not to have a choice this is for you. Now as you come please come with a Bible…

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Your tongue stirs and sets…. the course of nature ( your body and the circumstances of your life) either in the direction of health, life and prosperity or sickness , disease , poverty and death. James 3:4-6

2018 the year of the glorious flames of fire 🔥 , the beginning of the manifestations of the sons and Daughters of the most high God . There shall be phenomenal manifestations of God’s power through the Church , not by one or two but many whole churches given to working in power and glory . Knowledge shall greatly increase in the kingdom concerning the work of God and many shall be set free bondage’s broken communities delivered , men filled with the Holy Ghost shall speak to nature and it shall respond according to the word of the Lord.
